As we are approaching our third terms exams and nearing the fourth term many learners and parents are anxious about studying towards these exams. In order to benefit the most out of our studying time this article will provide you with some helpful tips.
One of the biggest downfalls most of us are at fault for is procrastination. Unfortunately, that adds to our stress and anxiety as the time for exams draws closer. Thus it is vital to prioritise and plan ahead. There are free online calendars that make this easy and very useful or alternatively you can draw up a weekly calendar. The next step would be to find a place that is conducive to studying. This should be a place where there are limited distractions, that is comfortable and where you can control interruptions. It helps to study at a time when you are most productive, this varies with each person as one person may be more productive in the morning and another may be in the afternoon.
These studying tips will help you get more out of class handouts:
Knowing your work well
Some of the strategies used to testing oneself when one has done studying are
Managing exam anxiety is a concern for some people. A certain amount of nervousness is normal as it allows one’s adrenaline to flow which causes you to be more focused at the task at hand. However, when exam anxiety becomes uncontrollable this has a negative impact as one may possibly “blank out”. Thus it helps when you feel that you have prepared sufficiently as you will enter the exams with positive frame of mind and ultimately decrease the panic about exams. It is important to work on techniques that will help you to manage your stress. If anxiety during your exam is getting the best of you it is vital to seek help.